Favourite Albums

Hiya everyone! Hope you're all good. We're half way through the week! *cries internally*
So today I am, well quite honestly coming at you with quite a misleading title. While this is a list of 'favourite' albums... they aren't my only favourites. Nor are they ALWAYS favourite. My favourite album changes way more than it ever should. These are just some albums that I particularly enjoy and want to recommend to you lovely people! While writing this post I realised how much a 'favourite albums' post can out your most guilty pleasures AND reveal how warped your music taste really is. Ah well.

1. Madonna "The Immaculate Collection"
I know some people will argue with me on this one because the songs on this album weren't originally released together and didn't come from the same album. It is technically a greatest hits album but this is my house, honey. I'm breaking the rules.
This album manages to en capsule every single one of my favourite Madonna songs. I suppose that's what greatest hits albums are for, so I guess it's done it's job. C'mon, La Isla Bonita, Into the groove, Holiday and Like a prayer all on one album. Can't hate.

2. Dido "No Angel"
Dido. Oh my god I cannot explain how much I wish she would release more music. Her voice is so unique and absolutely stunning. No Angel will always be in my 'top albums' list, no shame. If you haven't had a proper listen to this album, go and do so. Thank me later.
To quote Zach Braff when he was talking about this album: "If my heart could write songs, they'd sound like these"
Say. No. More.

3. Kings Of Leon "Only By The Night"
One very atmospheric album. I find they're quite an atmospheric band in general but this is their feel amplified. It's definitely an album that I'd recommend for 'driving music'
The songs all feel quite desperate, heartfelt and maybe painful(?!) in the best way possible.
10/10 recommend.

4. FKA Twigs "LP1"
Ah this woman, behold ultimate girl crush. This debut album really knocked it out of the park for me, she gave what I was expecting and waaay more. Twigs has put out an album that a lot of people would describe as 'future R&B' but I think she is just bringing a completely new and unique 'genre' for her listeners, simply by staying away from categorising the album under one certain genre. Just basically, listen to it. If you enjoy it, great. You go girl!

5. "The 1975"
When these lads released their album back in September 2013 (remember so clearly.. it's been so long since we've had an album from you lads..) it was the first album that came out in a very long time, where I've actually been able to sit and listen to it all the way through. Beginning to end. No skipping. That always points out a good album for me, obviously everyone is going to have their own opinions on music and 'good albums' but yeah, for me this was a big deal. Back when they first released the album, there wasn't a very big fan base and none of my friends were giving them the time of day and you know how painful that is! When you've found an amazing band people should be paying attention to, but no one cares. Ah. Memories. Now look! They have a huge fan base. Pretty impressive for one debut mainstream album. New album out in June too! Good news all around.

6. Nirvana "Nevermind"
Like I even need to sit an justify this one?! No. I don't.

7. Gorgon City "Sirens"
Yaaaas, gurl. Yasss. This album is something special and to be honest, I think it's way too under rated. If you haven't given this one a good listen all the way through, give it a go. It's so sick. It's one of those albums, like all on this list to be fair, that you can leave on and not have to worry about skipping tracks. Proper feel good. Give it a go if you haven't already!

8. One Direction "Four"
ALRIGHT, I see you there. J U D G E   M E. 
I have no shame in admitting this is has taken a spot up there with my favourite albums right now. No shame whatsoever. It's an incredible album. Looking back at their first albums, it's hard to believe that this comes from the same band. It's nice to look at their songwriting credits too, because unlike other albums, most of the credits belong to the boys themselves. I think One Direction get way too much hate for the work they do. They've come on leaps and bounds since album 1. I'm not sure why some people wont give their new stuff a chance. Yes okay they were manufactured by a talent show and that's seens as 'not enough work' but honestly, they're just human beings trying to chase a dream like any of us are.
AND I can testify from my own ears that they're one of those rare bands who actually sound 90% better live than they do recorded.
What annoys me about these lads though, probably management, not sure where to direct my anger. But the songs they release as singles are always the 'worst' ones on the albums. The album tracks KICK ARSE. Seriously, sit down. Pop Four on. Listen to 'Clouds' 'Fireproof' and 'Stockholm Syndrome' really listen to them. They'll change your mind. *breathe*

9. Lana Del Rey "Born To Die"
Aaah Lana. Marmite Lana. Love or hate her. I'm a lover. Serious lover.
Something about her music is so unique, throughout her albums her songs all tell a story. That's what I love, she's created a character or an "exaggerated version of herself" and has used that character as inspiration for some of my favourite songs ever.
There's something quite poetic about her tragic stories that draws listeners in and makes them want to know more.
For me, Born To Die has been her best album to date.

10. Grimes "Visions"
Grimes. What a hero! One of my 'dream squad'
I feel like I should explain, there are a few artists in the music industry I would like to all go on a huge tour together. Grimes, MØ, Elliphant, Yolandi Visser, FKA Twigs, sZa, Lykke Li, Azealia Banks.. etc. It's quite a long list but you get it.
Visions is an absolutely unique album. Something you can whack on and 99% of the room will turn around and look at you like 'TF is this?' but then they all end up loving it anyway. Yeah one of those.

So, those are my favourite albums right now, as I said, this will probably be different tomorrow! What's your favourite album? Let me know.



  1. Wow, I must say the One Direction one did come as a shock, when I read all the other bands (such as Nirvana, normally those two really don't go together!)
    I'm not judging you at all, just was a bit surprised :) haha. We all have guilty pleasures, I guess ;)



    1. Hahaha, trust me. Shuffling through my iTunes is a strange experience for everyone involved. I listen to such a huge, varied mixture people usually say the same as you've said. I do think it's an incredible album, I stand by those comments.. they've improved so much. I wasn't too sure of their first album, so to hear them go from that to this is pretty commendable :) x

  2. FKA Twigs is so cool. Definitely crushing on her as well. I'm excited that she'll be playing at Coachella.

    :] // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

    1. Are you going to Coachella? I've always wanted to go. x

  3. The 1975 are so good! & one direction is the album I have on in my car, such a good album! Stockholm syndrome is great & act my age is a feel good song haha!

    Kirsty x

    1. Act My Age! Yes. Hahah I love that song, and No Control. I think it's such a good album. x

  4. I am loving FKA Twigs at the moment! She is just so cool and her music is amazing :)
    - C
    Claudine Converses

    1. She's so different from everyone else in the charts right now, it's refreshing. x
