Bank Holiday Playlist 06/04/15

Hiya everyone! Hope your bank holiday weekend has been good!

I woke up this fine bank holiday Monday and noticed the absolutely STUNNING sunshine here in the UK, I thought before I go off and actually enjoy it, I'll take advantage of this lush weather and whack together an appropriate playlist. You know, one of those playlists that just seem to enhance the sunshine, making it that tiny bit more enjoyable.. yeah, one of dem onez.
Anyhoo, I made my playlist on Spotify, as I do, but forgot that the ever so lovely Spotify have taken away the ability to embed your playlists. 
I know. Ragin'.

So until they decide that that was the dumbest decision of their lives, here is a link to said playlist:

All you need to do is click on this link, log into Spotify and the playlist will be right there in front of you, for your pleasure.
I will make one a bit later on via Soundcloud so, be sure to keep your eyes open for that one!

Enjoy the sun!

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