Hanna Lashay

Hiya! I hope you're okay.

Today I wanted to share an artist I've been LOVING at the moment. I spend a lot of my time scrolling through the endless amount of songs on Soundcloud. A few months ago I was stopped in my tracks my a song called 'Yours Interlude'
And so began my love for Hanna Lashay.

I've put together a playlist of her tracks... check it out!


Hanna Lashay or The Sunflower Goddess (love that) is from Chicago, Illinois. Her dreamy brand of neo-soul, R&B, indie and jazz vibes make for some of the most beautiful tracks I've heard in a while.

I was reading the 'about' section on her website and to say she's an inspirational, talented individual is an understatement.

"Hanna created The Sunflower Tribe​, a movement that began when she conquered clinical depression as a result of bullying and sexual assault. She decided to give purpose to her pain by transmuting that energy into a life affirming platform."

Hanna seems like such a kind-hearted, spiritual person, she's someone that I'd definitely hang out with given the chance! Her voice is without a doubt something special and I'm sure she's going to continue doing remarkable things.

Keep up with Hanna Lashay on social:

   Til next time!

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