Stereo Honey

Hiya love! Hope you're good.

Occasionally a band's name alone will invite me in enough to have a little listen to their work. Stereo Honey definitely had that effect on me, and damn it I'm so so glad I listened!
Get ready to discover your new favourite band...

Stereo Honey are an indie/alt rock band from London. Their sound is hauntingly beautiful, and the vocals! Mate. I was blown away. *Shook* if you will.

It's been a minute since I've been this fascinated by a new band. Something about their unique sound draws me in. It's safe to say they've caught my attention. I had a little stalk on social media just to see what people are saying about Stereo Honey and honestly, I have seen nothing but praise for these lads and their music. It's crazy that a band with only a few tracks currently uploaded online can cause such a buzz! I guess that's how you know they're going to do amazing things.

I will definitely be trying to catch them live as soon as I possibly can. I have to hear this magic in person! This wont be the last time I talk about them on here, I'm sure.

'Monuments' EP will be out December 1st.

Keep up with Stereo Honey on social:

Til next time!

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