Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

Hiya everyone! Hope you're all good...

Okay, everyone get up right now and thank the L O R D because Mark Ronson is back. With the ever so talented Bruno Mars of course.
I first heard this song about a week ago and I have to say, I've been genuinely obsessed and absolutely shocked at the amount of people I've seen saying that Mark and Bruno are just "ripping off" other songs and artists. That they're not capable of making good music.
I swear if anyone dared to say that in my presence they'd get a swift roundhouse kick.

I think this song is going to get huge, and rightly so. It's incredible. Nothing like it in the charts right now, catchy, Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars.. I'm sorry but what more could people want. I'd love to have more music like this in the charts, so when it comes around I get a little over excited. Bear with me!


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