FKA Twigs - Video Girl

Hiya everyone! Hope you're all okay.

Fun fact, I have only been blogging across both blogs for about 3 months and I have managed to talk about this women at least 3 times. I cannot help it, she releases something new and at first, I think about keeping it to myself. You know, when something is that good you don't want other people to know?! Yeah one of those. But I have come to my senses and decided to share this track.
I first heard FKA Twigs perform this about a month ago in Radio1's Live Lounge and instantly fell in love. Her style is quite hard to categorize, which I LOVE.
She has an absolutely stunning voice. With a lot of  "same as each other" females around at the moment, Twigs is such a breath of fresh air. Her voice, the way her songs sound, the production of her videos, the way she moves, her look and style, she's a dream package!
I've been in a state of concert depression this month as unfortunately, I haven't been able to see her on the tour she is currently doing. But I really hope to catch her live as soon as I possibly can.
If you've never heard her music, make sure you go and check her out because she's definitely something special.



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