Disclaimer: *I am in no way responsible from any feels you catch from this review*
Let me start by telling you that this is Hobbie Stuart. A British singer/songwriter from Brighton. And this video is of Hobbie Stuart covering Ed Sheeran's absolutely beautiful "Thinking Out Loud"
Let me tell you, every time I hear this song I feel like Christmas. I have no idea if anyone else gets that vibe? Like, if you were at a cute Christmas fair maybe on a date. There's sparkly fairy lights everywhere, this song is being performed live, it's quite cold you can see your breath infront of your face but you keep warm by holding each other and swaying to the music. Okay, maybe not Christmas but definitely this time of year. It's perfect for this time of year. It's a winter song fo' sho.
Anyway, in all seriousness, It just seems to me that Hobbie had his beautiful, velvet smooth voice created just to sing this song. Anyone who knows me, knows how obsessed I am with this track and I would honestly, hand on heart, go as far as to say that this is on par with Ed's original version. I've actually been following Hobbie on my personal Twitter account for quite a long time now, I think when I first found him he had just under 8000 followers. Fast forward to today, he has racked up an impressive number of followers, over 53,000 quickly aproaching 54,000.
The best tracks this man has uploaded are the ones where it's just him and a guitar, stripped back and everyone just being there for the music. Less is more for him and that is an incredible gift to have.
His fans all over YouTube are l-o-v-i-n-g this cover. I had a quick look around his comments and picked out just a small selection to give you an idea how much people are loving it.
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