Låpsley - Falling Short

Hiya everyone, hope you're all good.

I have not had this blog for a very long time at all and this is already the second time I've posted about this lovely lady. This is Låpsley aka Holly Lapsley Fletcher, an 18 year old from Liverpool, UK. She's a multi instrumentalist and has been producing songs since the age of 12! 12. That is an incredible age to have began producing but it's evidently done her very well indeed.

Every now and then amazingly unique songs like this one will come along and completely shock me, in the best way possible. Amazing vocals, gorgeous harmonies, incredible piano, sick beat. I'm legit running out of words to praise this track.
Låpsley deserves to be huge, she completely deserves 100% of the attention I'm certain will be coming her way.

Click >HERE< to be redirected to her Soundcloud


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